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Q: Type of response controlled by the medulla?
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What is the controlled center called?

medulla in brain?

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What is controlled by the involuntary action of respiration?

medulla oblongata

Where is the respiratory rate controlled?

Respiratory centre in the medulla (brain)

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What regulates visceral activities and involuntary response?

Both visceral activities and involuntary response are controlled by a specific part of the brain know as the Mendullu although this part of the brain sends signals to the Central Nervous System (CNS) which has overall control of the body's visceral activities.

What activities controlled by the medulla?

It makEs you feel bettar💅👼

Heart rate is controlled by neurons of the cardiovascular center located in the?


What is the difference between uncontrolled response and controlled response?

An uncontrolled response is a natural response to an unconditioned stimulus or stimuli. A controlled response is a response taught to said person by pairing it with a formally neutral stimulus which now turns into the controlled stimulus.

Does the cerebrum control heart rate?

no the heart rate is controlled by medulla oblagonta

Is Homeostasis in respiration is controlled by the cerebrum?

It would mainly be parts of the midbrain and medulla

What are the hormones in the adrenal medulla?

Adrenal medulla is a portion of the adrenal gland. The adrenal medulla is located within the inner portion of the gland and is associated with stress.