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Q: Under the constitution who holds the actual power to elect the president?
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What time the inauguration ceremony starts and how long it will last?

Under the Constitution, the president-elect MUST be sworn in precisely at noon, January 20th. The vice president-elect is usually sworn in just before.

Constitutional system to elect the president?

Electoral Collage... this system established by the Constitution to elect the president.

What type of votes actually elect the president-?

Electoral votes are the type of votes that actual elect the president.

What book and verse of the Bible is the president sworn in on?

When a President-elect is sworn into the office of President, he rests his left hand on a closed Bible and raises his right hand. The actual Oath of Office is specified in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution.

Who is the president if the president elect takes oath past noon?

The Vice President would then take his place, until the number of votes needed to officially elect a new President is decided and reached.

Who becomes president if president-elect dies?

US Constitution, Amendment XX, Section 3. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President....

Can president elect take power if a global war starts under current presidents term?

Yes. The US Constitution makes no provision for suspending the transfer of power during wartime.

What are President Elect Barack Obama and Bush required to do as president?

The Constitution of the United States specifies the duties of the President. If you are an American, you should read the Constitution, along with a good civics book to help you understand what it means.

What are the Portugal politics?

We are a constitutional republic. Meaning we have a constitution, elect a president, a prime-minister and local authorities.

Does the president elect or vise president elect take the oath first?

Vice President-elect Joseph Biden will be sworn in prior to President-elect Obama.

Which amendment spells out who becomes president-elect in the event of the death of a president-elect?

There are three sections in the Constitution that specify the line of succession. First is Article II, Section 1, where it says that the Vice President is next in line. The second is in the 20th Amendment, Section 3, which says that if the President-elect dies before taking office, then the VP-elect gets inaugurated. The third is in the 25th Amendment, which clarified Article II, explicitly stating that if the President can no longer serve, that the VP becomes President.