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Your question is very vague. While on duty in the Army you would follow your General Orders and an Special Orders or SOP.

When asking using force against another..... it must be the least force able (Interpersonal Communication Skills following up all levels to prevent Imminent Danger to your person or to protect others.) To find the right wording and absolute correct answer look in The Uniform Code of Justice (UCMJ) for your best explanation. by an Old Soldier

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Q: Under what circumstances is a person justified in using force against another person?
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"Use of force is justified when a person reasonably believes that it is necessary for the defense of oneself or another against the immediate use of unlawful force. However, a person must use no more force than appears reasonably necessary in the circumstances."

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Killing another person is always a last resort. However, one is usually justified in a justifiable war and in self defense and the defense of others.

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a complaint against another person

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Under some circumstances, yes. For example, holding "Typhoid Mary" was fully justified.

Is it shoot-to-kill in self-defense with a concealed weapons permit?

This is a difficult question to answer, because of several things. The following answer should be considered to be a very basic answer: First, under general deadly force laws, you are not justified in shooting or even shooting at a person unless you are justified in klling that person. So, in that respect, yes. However, in a general sense, in self defense, you shoot to stop the attack, whatever that means under the given circumstances. Under most circumstances, you are no longer justified in shooting once the attack stops, so if you fire one shot, hit the person in the arm, and the person turns around and runs off, you are no longer justified in shooting at him. Another possibility is, you shoot the person in the chest, he falls down, but is only unconscious, not dead. So, in that respect, no, it isn't shoot to kill. Another point is, if you tell a police officer you intended to kill the attacker, that COULD cause problems in court.

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Possibly; it depends on the exact circumstances.

Legally can a citzen of NC that carries a concealed pistol permit shoot a person that kills others in a NC mall Question comes after what happened in Omaha Nebraska yesterday.?

Assuming NC law is the same as Texas law in this case, it is legal to use lethal force to protect yourself or another person if they are in imminent jeopardy i.e in order to save yourself or the life of another person at that moment, you must take the life of an attacker. This does not, however, make the CHL holder a police officer. The CHL only provides a person the right to carry a firearm and the guidelines thereof, not the right to use it. The actual use of a firearm is strictly and solely covered by Self Defense laws From the Texas State Constitution Article 1 Section 23 Deadly Force in Defense of Person "A person is justified in using deadly force against another if he would be justified in using force under Section 9.31 of the statute when and to the degree he reasonable believes that deadly force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other's use or attempted use of unlawful deadly force, if a reasonable person in the same situation would have not retreated. The use of deadly force is also justified to prevent the other's imminent commission of aggravated kidnapping, murder, rape or robbery." Defense of Another Person "A person is justified in using deadly force against an attacker to protect another person if he would be justified to use it to protect himself against an unlawful attack and he reasonably believes his intervention is immediately necessary to protect the other person from serious injury or death."

Who won at the American colonies justified in a fight a war against the British?

It all depends on what you think after you have studied it. What is justified to one person is inexcusable to someone else. In my opinion, some of the American grievances were fully justified. Others like the Stamp Act were overblown.

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It depends on your own circumstances.

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No,ANS2:Suicide is always justified in the mind of the person who commits the act. Depending on the society, the suicide may be condemned or condoned, depending on the circumstances. Most societies do not allow that suicide as a method for dealing with an acute emotional trauma is justified. A person surviving the attempt may be remanded to psychiatric care. Giving your life to save another is a form of suicide that is often not only justified by society but praised as an heroic act. You will find that different societies will have varying degrees of justification for those acts that fall somewhere in between, such as: suicide to end suffering, suicide to make a political statement, and suicide that starts with "Hey, y'all watch this!" and ends up on YouTube.Another View: "Justified" by who, or by what circumstances?In Western Culture the idea of suicide is not condoned on either legal, moral, or religious grounds.

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- 13th

A person cannot be forced to work for another person against his or her will because of the Amendment?
