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Bacteria require adequate nutrients and conditions to thrive and reproduce. These vary depending on the type of bacteria. For example, there are both autotrophic bacteria, that require CO2 as their carbon source, and heterotrophic bacteria, that require one or more organic molecules for their carbon source. Because of this they usually live off of autotrophs. There are also bacteria that only thrive and reproduce in extreme conditions. These extremophiles may reside in high or low pH environments, very high heat (hot springs) or low temperatures (glaciers), very salty environments and other extremes.

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Q: Under what conditions do bacteria thrive and reproduce?
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Bacteria thrive and reproduce by binary fission when: 1- there is enough water 2- there is enough space for the population to grow 3- when their wastes have not accumulated 4- when their is enough oxygen in the air.

Under what conditions do bacteria thrive and reproduce by binary fission?

Bacteria thrive and reproduce by binary fission when: 1- there is enough water 2- there is enough space for the population to grow 3- when their wastes have not accumulated 4- when their is enough oxygen in the air.

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Bacteria can reproduce extremely quickly if in the right environment. Under favorable conditions, a single bacteria can reproduce 108 bacteria in twelve hours.

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No, bacteria can thrive under anaerobic conditions.

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YES, some bacteria can reproduce every 20minutes. Ideal conditions include, moisture, warmth (not boiling hot!!!!), and a source of food

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Under what conditions will bacteria thrive?

Bacteria typically thrive in warm, humid, and dark environments. This is a reason why the human body is an ideal breeding-ground for bacteria; the interior is the ideal temperature for bacteria, well-supplied with adequate moisture and nutrition, and usually dark. Additionally, some bacteria, extremophiles, are able to survive, even thrive, in extremely acidic, alkaline, or salty environments, or incredibly hot or cold environments, or incredibly wet or dry environments.

How can you use the word thrive in a sentence?

In order to thrive, ancient civilisations needed to be founded near rivers or water sources.The population began to thrive.

Are bacteria tiny one celled things?

Yes. Bacterium are very small single celled organisms. They reproduce very rapidly under the right conditions.

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it will not reproce when its dry

Why are there still some colonies growing in the areas exposed to ultraviolet light?

Some colonies grow under harsh conditions. Certain colonies of bacteria can thrive in areas exposed to a great amount of ultraviolet light.