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Q: Under whose rule did the reconstruction plan put forward by congress place southern states?
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How did congress make southern states follow the laws of reconstruction?

such monkey balls......

How did congress make certain southern states followed the laws of reconstruction?

such monkey balls......

How did congress make certain that southern states followed laws of reconstruction?

such monkey balls......

How did the end of the Civil War and Reconstruction impact the representation of the South in Congress?

Representation of the South increased because more Southern states were created during Reconstruction.

Who controlled the south during congressional reconstruction?

The Presidential opposition and Southern States resistance to the Fourteenth Amendment and to Reconstruction so outraged the Congress that in March 1867 it passed a Reconstruction Act that imposed its desired version on the South by means of a diktat. Therefore all former Confederate States but one (Tennessee had been readmitted in 1866 to the Union), were grouped into five military districts, each ruled by a military governor in order to push forward the Reconstruction program according to the Congress wishes and check the progress done.

Process whereby southern states were readmitted into the union?


Why did congress not include representative from all states in 1865?

In 1865, the US Civil War was still going on. Also, Reconstruction followed the war and it took some Southern states time to reunite with the US. Thus the US Congress did not have all the states represented.

Whose plan of reconstruction was based upon a desire to punish southern states for causing bloodshed and suffering during the war?

President Andrew Johnson plan of reconstruction was based upon a desire to punish the southern states for causing so much bloodshed and suffering during the war The radical Republicans who had the majority in the Congress.

What did lincolns reconstruction plan call for?

Lincoln's reconstruction plan called for rejoining of the North and the South as one nation. The southern states would get a representative in Congress when 1/10 of the voters pledged to obey the Federal Laws and take an oath of loyalty to the US.

How did congress feel about southern states in 1865?

they felt worrid about the southern states

How did Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction treat southern states?


Why were the southern states put into military districts by congress?

Because they refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1866. That led the Congress to pass a Reconstruction Act imposing its desired version of the reconstruction on the former Confederate States by means of a diktat, which contemplated inter alia that they had to be grouped into five military districts, each ruled by a military governor.