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promising not to strike

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Q: Unions helped the American war effort during world war 1 by?
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it helped because i m not an idiot ]

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they were given numerous oppurtunities to help in the war effoetthey helped the war with effort in anyway-apexThey helped the war effort in many different ways.They helped the war effort in many different ways.

If What role did Spain France and the Netherlands play during the American Revolution?

They helped the American colonies.

Who helped the colonists during the American revolution?


What two foreigners helped the Americans during that terrible winter?

Spain and France helped the American during the American Revolution. I'm not sure if you were talking about this, but I hope this helps

What did the American Federation of labor help unions accomplish?

The AFL helped establish better working conditions in sweatshops and other work places.

What fictional person on posters helped women with war effort?

I believe you are referring to Rosie the Riveter who encouraged women to participate in the war effort during WWII.

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How did women help the American war effort?

they nursed sick and helped wounded soldiers

What country helped the continentals during the American Revolution?

France and to a lesser degree The Netherlands (Holland) and Spain helped the colonists during the American Revolution (actually war for independence).

What influence did unions have on post World War 2 society?

In the US and Europe after WW II, unions helped to ensure rising wages and the continuation of benefits such as pensions and health insurance which began during the war.

what did spain france and the netherlands play during the american revolution?

They helped the American colonies.