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Communist containment/stopping communist aggression.

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Q: What was the U.S involvement in the Korean war a part of cold war policy known as?
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What policy led to US involvement in the Korean conflict?

Part of the Cold War; communist containment.

What war was first the cold war or the Korean war?

The korean 'war', if officially considered a war, as opposed to a 'police action', would predate the vietnam war, which has also been referred to as a 'conflict'. Semantics aside, u.s. 'involvement' in korea predated u.s. 'involvement' in vietnam.

Was America's involvement in the Korean War unnecessary and only served tensions between America and the Soviet Union?

The Korean War was the FIRST "Hot" battle of the Cold War.

What decision were made during the Cold War?

To contain communism. The Korean & Vietnam Wars were part of that containment policy.

When could president eisenhower have chosen an alternative to containment and the arms race?

In foreign policy President Eisenhower kept the containment policy in the Cold War and ended the Korean War.

What was the nature of US involvement in asia?

The nature of the American involvement in Southeast Asia was to contain Soviet and communist expansion through the Domino Effect Theory. Thus the Cold War became hot not in Europe but through American and United Nations involvement in Korea, and America with some Allied assistance in Vietnam.

What did USSR do after World War 2?

rebuild, it continued to spread and support communism, had the cold war with the USA and its allies, which included involvement in Korean, Vietnamese, Afghanistan( the soviet one)... Wars, the space programs, ...

Was the Korean a cold war?


Did US and Soviet involvement in cold war escalate it?

Well, yes, we and the USSR were basically the only real country's in the war. However the cold war never really was a literal war. However the Korean War and the Vietnam War were effects of the Cold War, Also the Cuban Missile Crisis was as well.

George kennan's proposed US policy in the cold war which was officially adopted was known by what word?


Which war was the first fought by the US in effort to contain communism?

Basically the entire Cold War. However during the Cold War there were several hot wars which were proxy wars between the superpowers of the time. The US involvement in the Asia (Korea and Vietnam) can be considered wars were the US attempted to stop the spread of Communism. Likewise the US involvement with the Contras in Nicaragua can be considered an attempt to stop the spread of communism.

Korean War was considered to be a cold war event because?

The Korean war was the first hot war in the cold war.