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Generally liquid is measured in units of volume such as litres or gallons. In large quantities liquids can be measure in units of mass such as tons (of oil for instance)

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Q: Units of mearsurement for liquids
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What is the volume of liquids most often expressed as?

Liters and milliliters are the units used most often to express the volume of liquids.

What is the unit of mearsurement of a golfball?

The units that specify the weight and diameter of a golf ball are given in both imperial and metric measures. Weight - not greater than 1.62 ounces or 45.93 grams. Diameter - not less than 1.68 inches or 42.67 millimetres.

What is a pint in cup mearsurement?

1 pint = 2 cups 1 cup = 0.5 pint

What units are used to measure liquids in a graduated cylinder?

Milliliter, or mL.

What units does the us use to measure solids liquids and gas?

This variation is typically small for solids and liquids but much greater for gases.

What are the units of volume for liquid and solid?

The metric units for volume for liquids and solids are liters and liters/meters-cubed, respectively.

Units of measureing liquids?

Liquids are measured in volume - liters, gallons, cm3, etc.

What metric units are used to measure the volume of liquids?

Cubic meters. Liter

What are the units of volums?

A measuring cup can be used to measure volumes in liquids. The volume units would be cups, fluid ounces and millilitres.

Can shampoo be measured in grams?

Yes, liquids like shampoo can be measured by weight/mass units as well as the usual volume units.