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PS -eaf|grep defunct

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Q: Unix command to identify defunct processes?
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How do you see what is active on a UNIX machine?

Use the 'ps' command. This command lists all of the processes running on the system, when they started, who the owner is, etc.

What is named and unnamed pipe in unix?

In Unix, pipes are basically how information flows between processes. Unnamed pipes are created and destroyed within the processes life cycle. Named pipes exist until removed with an unlink() command and can be used with unrelated processes.

What is the use of execute command in unix?

There is no traditional 'execute' command in Unix.

Which is the keyword of shell 1.shift 2.readonly 3.unset

answer is ls.. ls is command outside of the unix kernel.. To identify this if you do locate <command> or which<command> you can identify the source of the program.. if you do locate<keyword> or which<keyword>.. you can't identify the source of the program... :)~ss

How many processes are running in a system find Unix command?

PS -e|cut -d " " -fname|wc -l

What does the -m switch do with the useradd command?

There are many variations of the useradd command; most standard installations may not have this switch. Please identify which Unix system you are talking about.

Brief description of format command in unix?

There is no standard 'format' command in Unix.

What do CD command do in unix?

The 'CD' command is not standard for Unix. The 'cd' command, however, will change directories (folders). It is a means of navigating the Unix file system.

What do you mean by 'processes' in unix environment?

A "process" is a program. In multitasking environments such as Unix or Windows - in fact, in most modern operating systems - the computer can run multiple processes at the same time. Note that not all of such processes need to have a visible window - some can be hidden from the user, until you use a special tool or command to list the processes.

Which command is used to create a sub processes?

For Unix, any command is run as a sub-process. You don't need an actual command to create the subprocess. You can also force the process to run in the background by appending a '&' symbol at the end of the command.

How can you identify by seeing in the prompt whether the command is external or internal in unix?

You really can't. There is nothing in a prompt that would give that information.

Which is the most commonly used command for referencing detailed information about a particular command in UNIX?

In Unix, use the 'man' command.