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Young mammals depend on their parents for food, protection and education.

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Q: Unlike reptiles young mammals depend on their parents for?
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What do young mammals depend on their parents for?

A) food.B) protection.C) grooming.

What is the relationship between lungfish and amphibians?

The relationship between the lungfishes and amphibians is that the lung fishes have lungs unlike amphibians who don't because they depend on water

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Koalas are mammals. Mammals are warm-blooded. So, yes koalas are warm-blooded.They are mammals and just like all mammals they are warm blooded.

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Any animals that live in the sea, fish, sea mammals, some birds and some reptiles, such as salmon, dolphin (fish), Seals, blue whale (sea mammals), Penguins (birds), Saltwater Crocodile (reptile).

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malaria is an infectious disease. It affects mainly mammals but can also infect birds, reptiles, and other species. It can even infect plants.

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This will depend upon the structure and function of the individual rehabilitation center - some only work with birds of prey and raptors while others focus on terrestrial mammals or marine animals. In general, though, as a group rehabilitation facilities will treat most of the larger species of animals, particularly mammals and birds but also some reptiles and amphibians.

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Do animals have emotion?

That would depend on which animal. Mammals, such as dogs, pigs, cats and humans, have complex emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, etc. Complex motions are carried out by the limbic system in the brain. Reptiles have a limited array of emotions, such as fear and satisfaction. However, they do not have complex emotions like mammals. Brainless animals, like anemones and oysters, are incapable of processing emotions.

Why do people depend on bottlenose dolphins?

people depend on dolphins because dolphins are intelligent marine mammals and easy to to teach

How do cryptids reproduce?

That would depend on the cryptid. Humanoids (Bigfoot, Yeti) would likely have babies like humans. Other mammals and reptiles would likely reproduce sexually using live birth or eggs. Flying creatures like the Jersey Devil could also lay eggs.

Do penguin take care of their babies?

Most young are helpless, and depend on their parents to survive. Some reptiles like snakes and turtles, though, don't care for their young, and let them fend for themselves. Yes, baby penguins are helpless. They must be fed and kept warm by their parents.