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Mistress Hibbins, sister of the Governor and alleged witch is the only other person to know the truth. Through her contact with Hester, the witch who identifies as a fellow outcast with Hester's scarlet letter and endeavors to use the link to recruit her to Satan's coven.

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The only people besides the minister himself and Hester Prynne who know the truth about his guilt are Roger Chillingworth, who is Hester's husband, and Dimmesdale's daughter, Pearl.

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Q: Until his confession the only people besides the minister himself to know the truth about his guilt are Hester chillingworth and who?
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Why was chillingworth called a leech in The Scarlet Letter?

Chillingworth was called a leech in The Scarlet Letter because he metaphorically attached himself to Dimmesdale, draining him of spirit and vitality. This term reflects how Chillingworth's relentless pursuit of revenge consumed him, much like a leech feeding on blood.

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What does chillingworth inply by no not thine?

When Chillingworth says "No, not thine," he is rejecting the possibility that Dimmesdale's guilt and suffering are a result of external pressures or influences. Chillingworth believes that Dimmesdale's torment is self-inflicted and deeply rooted within himself. This dismisses any explanations that suggest someone else is responsible for Dimmesdale's internal struggles.

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Chillingworth blames Dimmesdale for Hester's sin of adultery. He believes that Dimmesdale is the father of Hester's child and seeks revenge on him for his part in the affair.

How does roger chillingworth gain entrance to the prison?

Roger Chillingworth gains entrance to the prison by positioning himself as a doctor with expertise in natural remedies and healing. He convinces the prison warden that he can provide medical care for the imprisoned Hester Prynne.

How does dimmesdale finally escape chillingworth?

Dimmesdale escapes Chillingworth by revealing his sin publicly during the Election Day procession, thus freeing himself from Chillingworth's hold over him. By confessing and acknowledging his guilt before the townspeople, Dimmesdale is able to gain his redemption and break free from Chillingworth's psychological torment.

To whom in the colony does chillingworth attach himself as a medical advisor The Scarlet Letter?

Chillingworth attaches himself as a medical advisor to Reverend Dimmesdale in "The Scarlet Letter." He uses this position to manipulate and torment Dimmesdale, exploiting his vulnerability to seek revenge for perceived wrongs.