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All cnidarians live in water, have tentacles with specialized stinging cells called nematocysts, and have an internal sac for digestion which is called the gastrovascular cavity.

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14y ago
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15y ago

they are anamals that live in the water and have stinging cells.

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11y ago

they have many cells and many characteristics

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Q: What are three characteristics that all cnidarians have in common?
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What are three characteristics that all have in common?

All cnidarians live in water, have tentacles with specialized stinging cells called nematocysts, and have an internal sac for digestion which is called the gastrovascular cavity.

What are the characteristics of cnidarians?

All cnidarians have on their tentacles stinging cells called nematocytes. They have no brains or a central nervous system. Another common feature is that they all can regenerate, letting them produce asexually (without the need for another partner) and to recover from injury.

What characteristics gives cnidarians their name?

The characteristic that gives cnidarians their name is: cnidarian means "nettle" and nettles are plants that release stinging barbs into the skin. All cnidarians have stinging cell's. Cnidarians have complex tissues, a gut for digesting food, and a nervous system.

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Animals in the arthopada phylum 3 major characteristics. They have three body parts, a tougher exoskeleton, and have jointed legs.

What do all cnidarians have?

An opening

What is one type of cell all cnidarians have?

Cnidarians all have stinging cells called nematocysts with which to catch their prey.

All cnidarians possess long extensions of the body called tentacles?

All cnidarians possess tentacles and are radially symmetrical. Most cnidarians are found in shallow water and are marine life.

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There are actually five characteristics that all vertebrates have in common; a vertebral column composed of multiple vertebrea (spine), a cranium (the bone that envelopes the brain), a closed circulatory system, nural crest, and a pronounced cephalization.

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