

Urban areas and how many people live in each in 1992?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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You have just asked for a list of hundreds of thousands of places and their populations. There is not enough room here to answer an open ended question of that nature.

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Q: Urban areas and how many people live in each in 1992?
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People from urban and rural areas both depend on each other. Rural provides the raw materials to the urban areas and urban areas provide the finished products to the rural areas. For example:- A dweller in the city with a low income might depend on seasonal farm of rural areas and could also take support from people in rural areas to look after his family or children. Also the people in rural areas might support their living from the money that a migrant relative earns in urban areas.

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A researcher studies the average distance that 130 people who are living in U.S. urban areas walk each week.

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Each state sets their criminal code, including the animal abuse laws. The laws are consistent across the state. Some large cities will supplement the laws with additional regulations. Enforcement is harder in rural areas then in urban areas, but the laws are the same.

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There are typically more crashes in urban areas than rural areas due to higher population density, greater traffic volume, increased number of intersections, pedestrian activity, and multiple modes of transportation competing for space. These factors lead to a higher likelihood of accidents occurring in urban settings.

Are the rules for animal abuse as strict in rural areas as they are in urban areas?

Each state sets their criminal code, including the animal abuse laws. The laws are consistent across the state. Some large cities will supplement the laws with additional regulations. Enforcement is harder in rural areas then in urban areas, but the laws are the same.

What jobs are available in urban and rural areas?

In urban areas, common jobs include finance, technology, healthcare, marketing, and hospitality. In rural areas, jobs typically revolve around agriculture, forestry, mining, fishing, education, and healthcare. Each setting offers unique opportunities based on the local economy and infrastructure.

Should laws limit suburban sprawl why or why not?

Each community has laws called zoning laws that designates areas for businesses, housing, and industrial areas. Zoning laws are to limit urban sprawl.

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Urban 1o. Sao Paulo 2o. Rio de Janeiro 3o. Minas Gerais 4o. Curitiba 5o. Rio Grande do Sul

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its history dates from the point when there was industrial revolution in Europe USA Canada and other European countries .this led to made people to migrate to urban areas leading to interaction between people from different a result people developed interest in studying the social, cultural and economic activities of each other.

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How many people visit Eastern Market in Detroit each week?

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