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Q: Urination reflex is mediated by this part of the CNS?
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What is the processing center of a visceral reflex?

is a mediated in a manner similar to the knee jerk reflex: activation of the receptor, transmission of a sensory information to the CNS, the processing of the information by the CNS, and the motor response sent to the effector organ.

Which of the following does not respond to cell-mediated immunity?

pathogens in the CNS

A reflex pathway having only one synapse in the CNS?

Reflexes are rapid involuntary responses to a given stimuli. The reflex pathway that only has one synapse in the CNS is called the monosynaptic reflex arc.

The simplest level of CNS function is the?

Spinal Reflex

Is the brain part of the CNS or the PNS?

part of the CNS

What is the only thing complete within the CNS from the reflex arc?

only the Interneuron

Last step of a reflex arc?

PNS delivers motor response from CNS to effectors...

What structure detects the stimulus in the reflex action?

The stimulus is detected by temperature or pain receptors in the skin. These generate impulses in sensory neurons. The impulses enter the CNS ( Central nervous system ) through a part of the spinal nerve called the Dorsal root.

What is the jump reflex?

Jump reflection is a a reflex action that takes place under the control of spinal cordand not the involvement of CNS. Eg. When we stamp on a nail or on an hot plate we immediately move the leg because of reflex action.

What is a somatic reflex and how does it occur through the CNS?

A somatic reflex is where the body responds to stimulus. The message from the stimulus is sent through the central nervous system via the spine, and from there it travels to the brain.

What part of the CNS is part of the endocrine system?


Which component of a reflex arc is located entirely within the central nervous system?

Many authors refer to the CNS portion of the reflex arc as the integration center.In regards to a monosynaptic reflex arc, the synapse is the only portion of the integration center.Polysynaptic reflex arcs, have multiple synapses and interneuron(s).