

Best Answer

, concentrated Trimec Herbicide can be used safely on many lawns. You need to be careful though because there are some kinds of grass that Trimec can kill.

You can use Trimec on:

  • Cool Season Grasses
  • Common Bermudagrass
  • Bahiagrass
  • Zoysiagrass.

You should NOT use Trimec on

  • St Augustine grass

Directions for using Trimec:

Mix 1.2 - 1.5 oz of concentrated trimec herbicide in 1/2 - 6 gallons of water for every 1000 square feet.

If are spraying it on large areas like a field then use 3.25 - 4 pints in 20 - 260 gallons of water per acre.

See the link below for a place you can get Trimec Herbicide

Hope that helps!

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Q: Use of a lawn weed killer with trimec herbicide?
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What weed killers work best in lawn care?

Trimec: Trimec classic was introduced over 35 years ago and is the top herbicide used in professional golf courses, sports turfs, public parks, cemeteries and lawns. It is also the most widely used herbicide in university trials. It works in all kinds of temperatures.

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Is there 24-D herbicide in Scotts lawn weed and feed?

Yes, 24-D is in Scotts Lawn Pro Weed and Feed and Scotts Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control

What is the best way to prevent weeds from growing in your garden?

A lawn mower and the appropriate herbicide are used for weeding the grassy area that surrounds the garden. For the less weeds that are in the immediate area of the garden, the less likely there are of weed seeds being in the garden. A weed-eater and a brush application of the appropriate herbicide also are used in the border areas between the garden and the wider plot. And mulch, a hoe, and an edible plant friendly herbicide are used within the garden.

What is a good sentence for the word 'herbicide'?

It's confusing to have a weed killer called an herbicide, which means herb killer, when herbs are so good for people, and when the control just as easily could be called weedicide!

How do you get rid of tar weed?

To remove Tarweed from your lawn you can do a few things. First use a herbicide to kill the weed, second mow your lawn to breakdown the plants and that removes the seed part of the plant or third pull the weed from the root.

What are three kinds of weed killer?

There is a selective herbicide that only kills weeds and there is an unselective herbicide which kills everything it comes into contact with and I am not sure about the third one.

Why can you spray an herbicide in your lawn and only kill the weeds?

That it is a target weed-killer describes why herbicide can be sprayed in a lawn and only kill the weeds. Herbicides have active and inert ingredients, with some of the former controlling specific weeds and nothing else. Active ingredients function effectively when they leave minimal or no impacts, excluding their targets, on the environment and its animal, people and plant occupants.

Can an herbicide be a weed-killer?

Yes, an herbicide can be a weed-killer.Specifically, the terms comes from the combination of the Latin words herba- and -cidium. The feminine noun herba means "grass, herb, herbage, turf" when rendered from Latin into English. The suffix -cīda means "killer, one who kills" when translated from Latin into English.

What did Roald Dahl tell his daughters the message he wrote with weed killer on the lawn was from?


Will Crossbow weed killer kill tulips?

No, Crossbow weed killer will not kill tulips. The herbicide in question will target woody plants, such as brush, shrubs, thickets and trees. It will not touch edibles or ornamentals, such as flowers, grasses, herbs and vegetables.

Does momentum herbicide kill grass seed?

It will disable the process of germination. After applying a herbicide in that nature or any type of weed killer/ preventer, you should wait 4 to 6 week before reseeding.