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Stark means bare or empty. An example of stark used in a sentence is: The walls of her office were oddly stark, as if she had just moved into it.

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8y ago

Charlie had a recurring dream where he was stark naked in front of his peers.

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11y ago

Her innocent radiant smile stood in stark contrast to the head mistress's stern scowl.

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9y ago

Here are a couple.

The stark landscape was beautiful in its own way.He told the stark truth.

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9y ago

It is easy to see the stark difference between black and white.

The color used on the website was so stark, it hurt my eyes.

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15y ago

Starkly means: With great contrast.

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12y ago

The stark reality was unnerving.

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Q: Use stark in a sentence
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(the adjective stark means stripped of ornament, bare, plain, with the connotation of black and white, unrelieved, or naked)Elizabeth told the stark truth and it was painful to Mary.The stark reality was that John had had a alcohol problem for years.We were awed by the stark beauty of the desert.Their senior prank was to run stark naked through the crowded cafeteria.In his fifties he was a little crazy, but in later years he went stark raving mad."The ebony black woodcarving stood out in stark relief to the white painted alcove."

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because in xylene water is inmisible that is why in dean & stark method xylene is use

What does hark a Stark Bark in the Park mean?

Hark = Listen to stark = severe or bare in appearance bark = the sharp explosive cry of certain animals park = a large public green area in a town As a sentence, it doesn't mean much of anything since "stark" (referring to appearance) isn't a modifier one would use with "bark" (referring to sound). The original sentence: "Hark, a Stark Bark in the Park!" remarks Patriarch Quark is part of a lesson in Words on the Vine about mother/father vocabulary words and targets "patriarch" -- the male head of a family or tribe. It could also be used as an example of consonance of sound -- the internal rhyming words. I suspect its main function is to show how clever the writer thinks he or she is.

What does ''hark a stark bark in the park?

Hark = Listen to stark = severe or bare in appearance bark = the sharp explosive cry of certain animals park = a large public green area in a town As a sentence, it doesn't mean much of anything since "stark" (referring to appearance) isn't a modifier one would use with "bark" (referring to sound). The original sentence: "Hark, a Stark Bark in the Park!" remarks Patriarch Quark is part of a lesson in Words on the Vine about mother/father vocabulary words and targets "patriarch" -- the male head of a family or tribe. It could also be used as an example of consonance of sound -- the internal rhyming words. I suspect its main function is to show how clever the writer thinks he or she is.

How do you get tokal in Pokemon diamond?

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