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Q: Uses dead plants and animals for food a group of producers that live in water?
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Is a water boatman a fish?

No. Water boatmans are not plants, they are animals and thus they are not producers.

How do producers participate in the water cycle?

when it rains the plants/producers get water and then they grow.

Is a water flea a scavenger?

Consumer. Producers are all plants.

Why is the interaction between the sun and producers important?

No sun means no producers, and no producers mean no animals, water, and oxygen for our bodies, without water and oxygen we won't be able to survive.

Are water beetles producers?

The water beetle is not a producer. The water beetle is a secondary consumer. The secondary consumers are the carnivores that eat primary consumers, like tadpoles.

How does plants eat?

plants are the producers, they use sun and drink water to get their energy.

How do animals and plants get or make their food?

All plants generally carry out photosynthesis as the main source of energy and also they absorb minerals and nutrients from soil. Animals that are herbivores feed on vegetation and such where carnivores and omnivores eat other animals as well

What are some of the producers?

The sun, grass, plants and for the water: algae.

What are some of producers?

The sun, grass, plants and for the water: algae.

Is an water Lily an producer?

Yes, All plants are producers.

How do aquatic plants and animals survive in water?

the aquatic animals and plants also known as water animals and plants or marine animals and plants can survive in our body is designed to live in a particular area, environment the same way the water animals and plants are also designed to live in water.most of them have gills or special organs which helps them to breathe in water as water also consists of air.this is how plants and animals survive in water.

What kinds of organisms are producers?

Well most producers are plants. They use energy from sunlight to make their own food from water and carbon dioxide.