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Q: Using inventory in the yellow box in YoVille?
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Where is your inventory on YoVille?

You access your inventory by clicking on the box icon at the lower right hand side of the game window.

How do you see if someone has kissed you in YoVille?

when someone chooses to kiss you, tell you a joke, or something, theres a box at the bottom saying share on facebook (if you're using the fb yoville) and if they untick that you'll never know.

How do you clean yellow box flip flops?

Yellow box flip flops can be washed using soap and water. They can be cleaned using a wash cloth or a scrub brush.

How do you look at your gifts on yoville?

Click on the icon below the envelope it looks like a wooden box at the bottom right hand side of your game window, this is your inventory and you should be able to see all your stuff in there.

Which mystery pack is the t-rex in - YoVille?

there is no trex in a mystery box

How do you make a yoville account on facebook?

First go to the yoville application on facebook. I've put it under the web link. or alternatively, you go sign in to facebook, then under the search box, type in yoville and you'll be able to get to the application page. After doing so, it automatically ask you to create an account. Allow the application on facebook and you can access yoville on facebook.

How do you change the carpet on YoVille?

You go to your house on YoVille. next, click "Edit Room" After that, click on "My Stuff" When you are there, you click Set Wall and Floor Pattern" in the blue box.

How do you fly in fantage?

Go to creature arena then go wherever you wan to fly ( except somewhere where you cant go to your inventory ) then go to your inventory press tab until the yellow box is over the word ''My'' then press enter. Your going to be invisible so don't freak then go to your inventory again change 1 thing exit your inventory and VIOLA your flying!

Where is your inventory in cityville?

Look for the button with a cardboard box and present. click it. then press inventory.

Can you sell or drop items in hands of war?

Yes you can, in your inventory there is an box go to an city and then open your inventory drag the item to the box. It's sold.

How do you put an inventory box on your gaiaonline post?

Take a picture using the "Print Screen" button. Paste onto a paint window and upload on Photobucket.

Where is you inventory on fantage?

Your Inventory is in the left of the Chat Box. The icon has a hanger on it. The World Map is on the left side of it.