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Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Therefore Africa is in much need of philosophical ideas and its ways so as to make an impact in its day to day activities, which affects the continent and the surrounding at large. The impact reasons of philosophy to Africa are as follows;

An African would make his voice heard on the question of what mode of social and political organization is best suited to our conditions and must take part indeed. He must lead in the reappraisal of our traditional culture he reveals the basic principals on what to precede

Philosophy is needed in terms of choice or discovery of social and political system; this is for effectiveness of ideology in national life. The good ideology in which the society needs, the society can be expected to move in the right direction without people having any coherent idea as to its ideal destiny.

People are able to get ideology to mobilize the population for rapid development in sense of righteousness when these opinions are recommended not morely as their own but as Truth.

Africans need philosophy for political power where things will be set right, i.e. detaining opponents of governments or any political power with trial also the sense of democratic practices are carried out i.e freedom of choosing political parties without the fear of arbitrary arrest

For flexibility or looseness in the use of the nation of subjectivity in ordinary discourse sometimes its not just dependence on the peculiarities of an individual or group that constitutes subjectivity but only that species of such dependence, therefore African nations should be in an adjustment to every aspects of development and life.

Africa is full of traditions and cultures which doesn't therefore needs the borrowing of foreign cultures to be superior. No need of foreign comparisons, what is chiefly to be emphasized is the worthy motivation for cultural reformation. Such a critique of culture is indispensable in our present circumstances in Africa. Those who are in closest touch with our heritage of art and have derived inspiration from source in their creative work, know first hand the intrinsic worth of our tradition and no philosopher can shake their conviction

When the word "culture" is mentioned the first thing that usually comes to mind is the aesthetic aspect of mass existence in regard to this aspect of culture an African of course has every reason to be proud of his inheritance

Our societies are being rapidly changed by industrialization and if we wish to understand this change and control its direction, we must adopt new ways of thinking a new outlook upon man society and nature



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