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the third best way to grow plants is to grow them in just tap water aone. the water i used for the project was tap helps plants grow faster because it contains ions.

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Q: Using tap water better than hydroponics?
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Does hydroponics work?

Hydroponics works about 20-30% better than plants soil growing with less problems. Plants grown in water are less likely to have pest problems.

Why is hydroponics used in the desert regions of israel?

The question essentially answers itself, since "desert" implies a scarcity of water, while "hydroponics" is a system in which water can be contained and conserved.

Do plants grow better in hydroponics than soil?

Less chance for root rot & more consistent feeding.

Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as?

The growing of plants in water is hydroponics. Its not just water you need to grow hydroponic plants though, u need to mix in a nutrient solution that has all the nutrients your plants need.

Can plant grow soil?

Yes. Hydroponics is growing without soil, just water, light and nutrients! In fact, a lot of the plants you see for sale at garden centers are grown this way. It is cheaper and more reliable than the traditional ways. Hydroponics seems to be the future. If you are interested, there are many sites available, just search for home hydroponics.

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Because hard water is better than soft water for drinking

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What are the expenses of hydroponics?

With hydroponics,Well there's two side to this coin, on is equipment, but can be avoided by building your own hydroponics system, and the other, hydro nutrients are far more expensive than normal NPK solutions, but that's because hydro nutients has to have every possible nutrient within it .

Is freshwater better than saltwater fish?

fresh water is better than salt water fish as it is my choice

How can hydroponics be used beneficially?

Hydroponics provides a controlled environment for the growth of plants thus removing unknown aspects from experiments. Furthermore, hydroponics is more profitable for the farmer since it enhances the production of high quality plants in less time. Farmers who use hydroponics don't have to worry about soil-born diseases or without lack of space, since plants can be placed very close one to another.

How is aeroponics different from hydroponics?

Hydroponics means " work water" the system of growing uses a water nutrient mix constantly flowing to the root system of plant.An aeroponic system the roots are suspended in air and occasionally misted with water and nutrients. The yield from hydroponic growing is less than the high yield of an aeroponic system. The amount of time to complete a growth cycle is also much faster in an aeroponic system.Learn More at Http://

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