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There really is nothing to worry about here.

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Q: Using warm water on external genitalia is harmful for fetus or not?
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Is your fetus a female during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Your fetus' sex is determined at fertilization. However, the external genitalia don't start developing until the 11th week of gestation, but will still not be visible on ultrasound.

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no this is not harmful no this is not harmful

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Harmful chemicals or viruses that can be transferred from a mother to her developing fetus are called teratogens.

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In small amounts, no.

Turning the fetus during delivery is called?

External rotation.

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According to my lifespan development book, its tobacco. (most harmful to a fetus)

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Intravenous pain medications have certain side effects. Most of the ones used in labor and delivery are not harmful to the fetus.

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In large enough quantities any external problem that effects the Mother would also effect the Fetus.

What do you do if you hump everything in sight?

Make sure theres no dogs with small genitalia and no fetus inside, trust me when there is, it makes it much more satisfying ;D

Does unsafe drug protect the baby during pregnancy?

Unsafe drugs that are harmful to the mother is usually very harmful to the fetus so no.

What are the three harmful things that can pass across the placenta to the fetus?

alcahol canser and diseses