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End-stage Alzheimer's Disease leads to faulty processing of neuronal signals to the heart, precipitating death due to cardiac arrhymias. Malnutrition is ofen an indirect contributor to this process.

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Q: Usual cause of death in alzheimers disease?
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Is heart disease the lead cause of death in America?

Yes -- Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., followed closely by cancer.

Number one cause of death in America?

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America. It includes conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, and other related heart problems. Adopting a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding smoking can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

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Yes. According to the CDC, Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America. Cancer is the second leading cause of death.

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With the surge in fast and package foods, heart disease has been the leading cause of Death since the 1980's. Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the United States today.

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People believed that the cause of the disease was revengre from God.

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Is Alzheimers a disease that one can die from by itself or is it a disease that contributes to death without actually causing it?

one does die of alzheimers disease, if they are taken good care of, they wont die of anything else memory related. once alzheimers disease progresses to the autonomic nervous system(involuntary)the one that controls breathing,heartrate,vasoconstriction and dialation, it kills you. it does directly kill you eventually, it will stop your heart or lungs. most people arent taken care of enough to let them get to that stage. and they do die of a self inflicted injury(falls,hyperglycemia,pneumonia etc.)