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Be (berylium) berylium

Mg (magnesium) magnesium

Ca (calcium) calcic

Sr (strontium) strontium

Ba (barium) baryum

Ra (radium) radium

All the elements' general valence electron configuration is ns2 "n" is a number from 2 (for Be) to 7 (for Ra).

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Q: Valence electron configuration common to all elements of alkaline earth metals?
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The name of the group of elements with two valence electron in each atom is "alkaline earth metals."

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All of the elements in the Alkaline Earth Metals group have the valence shell electron S2. -Hope this helps

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The valance electron configuration is the same in each at ns1 where n = the period number.

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All halogens have 7 valence electrons. They gain one electron and achieve noble gas electronic configuration

Is the periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the electron configurations of the elements?

Yes. In terms of electron configuration and the number of valence electrons.

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