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The name of the group of elements with two valence electron in each atom is "alkaline earth metals."

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Q: What is the name of the group of elements with two valence electron in each period?
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What is the number of valence electrons for the elements in group 1?

The elements in Group 1 have one valence electron in their outermost s orbital.

What is the number of valence electrons in group one?

Valence electrons are the electrons in the furthest electron shell from the nucleus.For the first three rows, essentially, the number of valence electrons is the number of squares the element is away from the beginning of the row at the left.For example. Sodium is the first (group 1) it has 1 valence electron. Magnesium is the second, it has 2 valence electrons.

What is the number of valence electron for all the elements in periodic table group 1A 1?

One valence electron.

Elements within a group have similar number of?

electron valence hh

The elements in group 7A have one valence electron true or false?

A valence electron, or valence electrons, are found in all of the elements. A valence electron is an electron located on the out most shell of an element (the valence shell). Most elements will have more than one valence electron. Oxygen, or O, has six valence electrons because its outer shell consists of six electrons.

Why do the elements in the vertical columns all have the same chemical properties?

Group 1 have one valence electron. The elements in Group 2 have two. The elements in Group 17 have seven valence electrons, and Group 18 elements have eight. Because the valence electrons within a family are the same, the elements in that group have similar properties.

What is the valence electron configuration for group 6a?

The elements in group 6a (16) have six valence electrons. The valence electron configuration is Xs2Xp4 , where X is the main energy level (period number).

What is the general valence shell configuration for the elements in group 7A?

Valence electron configuration in group 7A (halogens): ns2, np5 in which n=2, 3, 4, 5, ... etc. Starting with fluorine, F, electron configuration: (1s2), 2s2 2p5 (non valence electrons in () brackets)

How do you determine the number of valence electrons if you know the group no of elements?

valence electrons are electrons at the outermost shell as we all know, group in PE can be determined by looking at the valence electron thus if it is in group 1..then the valence electron is 1

The atoms of the elements in Group 2 have the same?

number of valence electron

Why are elements in group one of the periodic table cations?

The elements of group 1 has 1 valence electron. They lose 1 electron to form cation.

Are periods valence electrons or electron shell?

The period tells you the valence ELECTRON SHELL (energy level). The group tells you the number of valence electrons.