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10,000-16,000 dollars at auction...

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Q: Value for a 1600 to 1700 musket loader with ivory but and inlayed in stock?
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What is the value of ivory per ounce?

IT has no value as it is internationally illegal to trade in ivory.

What is the value of an ivory pendant?

an ivory pendant with a ship an a eoman waving goodbye to someone

How much is your ivory carving worth?

Ivory is worth a lot and is illegal to trade. Ivory is obtained by the killing of elephants for their tusks or rhinos for their horns. DONT BUY IVORY NO MATTER WHAT THE VALUE!

What is value of ivory color flag stamp?

The ivory colored American flag stamp was issued back on 4/12/2007 and face value is .41.

Is ivory valuable?

Yes, ivory is valuable. Its value is attributed to its color and carving capabilities. Now that poaching is being severely punished, its value has skyrocketed. Its value has also risen due to the declining elephant population.

What is the value of a sabring ivory porcelain plate?

I really have no ideal.

What is the value of old African ivory earings?

If the earings are true ivory they can be up to one hundred dolers depending on what size, and how they where made.

Have antique ivory necklaces how do you find out the value?

I have two ivory necklaces from England from 1950 s one has a rose and ond has elephants

What is the value of a howard weyahok ivory scrimshaw bracelet?

The value of a Howard Weyahok ivory scrimshaw bracelet would depend on a couple things. Some of those things would include the age and condition.

Have ivory necklace and earring pure ivory do you have and prices on this?

Most countries in the world now support an embargo on the sale of ivory products (because the elephants are being poached to extinction to obtain their ivory tusks) this means that unless the ivory is provably of antique origin, it has little or no value as it is illegal to sell it or export it.

What is the Value of 125th anniversary saa colt 45 with ivory grips?

$1500 -$1600 without Ivory grips,,, the grips would need evaluation.

What is the value of a square Ivory soap free with the purchase of 1 pkg ivory flakes token 182-A?

If you present your square (coupon) when you purchase 1 pkg Ivory Flakes, you will receive 1 Ivory Soap bar free. Coupons by themselves usually are not honored and have no cash value. Good For Tokens like these have limited collector interest and are generally worth a couple dollars or less.