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Q: Vanzetti said he had suffered for his guilt. What crimes did he mention?
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Why would people share the guilt of those who commit crimes?

People are not directly associated with the share of guilt but somehow played a vital part in the character formation of the offender

How can a guilt ridden person be awarded capital punishment?

Guilt ridden persons do not get capital punishment. Only people found guilty of capital crimes get capital punishment . . . . . . regardless of how guilt ridden they may profess to be, after-the-fact.

Can you get arrested for recanting a story?

It is possible, particularly if it was told under oath. The charges can be perjury, interfering with an investigation and other crimes associated with covering up someone's guilt.

When will Americans rise up arrest try and convict Obama for crimes against Americans and the Constitution?

Essentially when enough hard evidence is collected and presented to presume his guilt.

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Some long-term effects of the Columbine massacre include increased focus on school safety measures, heightened awareness of mental health issues, and ongoing efforts to prevent school violence through intervention and support programs. The tragedy also led to changes in law enforcement tactics and strategies for responding to active shooter situations.

What does out damned spot mean?

"Out, out, damned spot" is a line spoken by Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's play Macbeth. She is referring to a imaginary bloodstain on her hands, symbolizing her guilt over the crimes she and her husband have committed. The phrase conveys her desperate attempts to rid herself of her guilt and the consequences of their actions.

Why did the treatment of women change in the 12 century?

Those accused of crimes began to be tried by Royal Courts. No longer was their guilt or innocence proven through trial by ordeal or combat.

How did lady Macbeth feel at the end of the play?

Lady Macbeth feels tormented by guilt and haunted by the crimes she and her husband have committed. She is consumed by guilt and remorse over her involvement in the murder of King Duncan and cannot escape the consequences of her actions. Ultimately, she is driven to madness and eventually commits suicide.

What does the doctor see in the sleepwalking scene and what does he speculate about causes for what he sees?

In the sleepwalking scene in Macbeth, the doctor observes Lady Macbeth sleepwalking and manifesting signs of guilt and distress. He speculates that her actions reveal her inner turmoil and suggests that her conscience is burdened by the crimes she and Macbeth have committed, leading her to unconsciously act out her guilt.

What is the author's message in the story and then there were none?

The author's message in "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie is about guilt, justice, and the consequences of one's actions. It explores the idea that no one escapes their past crimes, and that guilt can ultimately lead to one's downfall. The story serves as a moral lesson on the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions.

What does Macbeth say his mind is full of?

Macbeth says his mind is full of scorpions when he is contemplating the consequences of his actions and the guilt he feels for his crimes. This metaphor illustrates the intense torment and inner turmoil he is experiencing.

What does motion of guilt mean?

I believe that you have your terms confused. It is a PLEAof Guilt - not a motion of guilt.