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Are you asking: why does the sugar turn clear from white? Because the first time it was heated the water was evaporated leaving the sugar behind, The sugar contained air which made it look white, The second time it was heated the sugar melted and released the air this made the sugar not reflect light anymore and gave it A 'more clear' appearance. This is A guess based on my experience with cooking with sugar and also painting cars. When you sand clearcoat on A car it looks white but if you put water on it (which fills the scratches and smoothes it out) it looks clear again.

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Q: Vapor is released and the material in the beaker changes from white to black what must you know to determine if a chemical change occurred?
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You can determine if a chemical change has occurred by looking for signs such as a change in color, formation of a precipitate, evolution of gas, or release of heat or light. Additionally, if the chemical composition of the substance has been altered, it is likely that a chemical change has taken place.

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Gasoline is a common fuel material that stores chemical potential energy. When burned in an engine, the chemical energy stored in its molecular bonds is released as heat energy, powering the vehicle.

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Yes, fuel is a material that stores chemical potential energy. When fuel undergoes combustion, this stored energy is released in the form of heat and/or light.

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When one or more new substances is created, the change is called a chemical change. A chemical change has occurred if there is a new substance created, there was energy released or absorbed, or the substances no longer exhibit the same chemical properties.

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The only sure way to prove that a chemical reaction has occurred is to show that there has been a change in the chemical composition of the substances involved. This can be demonstrated through observing the formation of new substances with different properties compared to the initial reactants. Additional evidence can be provided by measuring changes in mass, energy release or absorption, or the formation of precipitates.

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Chemical energy is released during a chemical reaction.

In a beaker sugar is dissolved in water and then the water is heated and evaporates The sugar is recovered and heat is again applied Vapor is released and the material in the beaker changes from?

The sugar dissolved in water will crystalize as the water evaporates, leaving behind solid sugar crystals. When heat is applied again, the sugar will begin to decompose, releasing vapor which consists of water, carbon dioxide, and other gases. The material in the beaker will change from solid sugar crystals to a mixture of gases and potentially some remaining residue.

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Where is chemical energy stored in a molecule?

Chemical energy is stored in the bonds between atoms within a molecule. When these bonds are broken during a chemical reaction, energy is either released or absorbed. The type and strength of these bonds determine the amount of potential energy stored in the molecule.