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5d ago

Yes, vertebrates are classified under the phylum Chordata. This phylum includes animals with a notochord, a hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail at some point in their life cycle. Vertebrates are characterized by having a backbone or spinal column.

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Q: Vertebrates are classified under the Phylum chordata?
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What phyla do vertebrates belong in?

Vertebrates belong in the phylum Chordata, which includes animals with a notochord, a hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail at some point in their development. Vertebrates are characterized by the presence of a backbone or spinal column.

Fish are classified under phylum chordata?

Yes, fish are classified under the phylum Chordata because they possess a notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail during some stage of their life cycle.

Do butterflies have chordatas?

Chordata is not something you "have." It is a way if classifying an animal. "Chordata" is a phylum in which vertebraes, urochodatas, and cephalochordates are put under (how they are classified). If your question was meant to be "are butterflies chordates" then the answer is no. Butterflies are classified under the phylum "Arthropoda," not under the phylum Chordata.

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All domestic and feral horse breeds belong to the same phylum as they are all the same species, just different breeds. The phylum for a horse is Chordata.

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The Phylum of a Poison Dart Frog is Chordata. All, or mostly all vertebrates are under that Phylum. Also, all Poison Dart Frogs are under the Phylum Chordata. Thanks, Grace's Reptile and Amphibian Care

Is a beetle is vertebrate?

No, since beetles lack a back bone they are not considered vertebrates. The small portion of species that are considered vertebrates are the ones under the Chordata phylum, they include birds, mammals, reptiles, fish and others. Beetles fall under the Arthropoda phylum with other insects, crabs, and Spiders.

Why is a horse placed under chordata?

Because the class Chordata includes all animals which are vertebrates !

Why is bat kept under phylum chordata?

Bats are classified under the phylum Chordata because they possess a notochord during their development. The presence of a notochord is a defining characteristic of the phylum Chordata, which includes all animals with a dorsal nerve cord at some stage in their life cycle.

What phylum do animals with backbones belong to?

Animals with backbones belong to the phylum Chordata.

What phylum is the bat under?

The bat is a member of the chordata phylum, and of the mammalia class, of the chiroptera family.

Name the phylum and class that Marlin and Coral from finding nemo are classified under?

Marlin is a clownfish, which is in the class "Actinopterygii"