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Vicodin (hydrocodone) and morphine are similar chemicals used for nearly the same purpose--relief of pain.

Hydrocodone is slightly less efficacious (strong) than morphine is, and is typically combined with acetaminophen. This mixture makes it more easier for a doctor to prescribe than morphine due to its scheduling by the DEA (C-III -vs- C-II). There are efforts to make ANY medication with hydrocodone in it C-II.

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Q: Vicodin confused with morphine
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Related questions

Is Vicodin made by a plant or a lab?

Vicodin is a synthetic morphine type med, made in a lab but is 99% same as the opium div that morphine is gained from.

Will taking a 15 blue morphine pill be the same as taking 2 Vicodin?

No its stronger than 2 vicodin they give the morphine to ppl with cancer and agonizing pain.

Does Vicodin show up as morphine?

Type your answer here... yes

Does Vicodin have morphine in it?

Yes it is an opiate just like morphine and heroin.

Is Vicodin similar to IBuprofen?

No, vicodin is a powerful opiate (hydrocodone) , stronger by dose than morphine and ibuprofen is a much lesser analgestic (pain killer)

Will morphine help my tooth pain away?

Yes, Morphine does effect your teeth like any other opioid medication. These medications include: morphine, hydrocodone, vicodin, lortab, roxicodone, percocet, oxycontin, etc...

What happens if you take vicodin and morphine pills?

Since vicodin and morphine are both narcotics, taking both is very much like taking a larger amount of either one of them. If you don't know what you are doing, you may suffer an overdose. Your doctor can advise you and if taking both is recommended, prescribe safe dosages.

Morphine what is a close related drug?

Heroin, oxycontin, and percodan produce effects very similar to morphine. Other opiate painkillers such as percocet and vicodin will produce comparable effects, however they are less intense.

Does Oxycontin come up as opiates in a dip test?

Yes it does. It is opiate based, like Vicodin, percocet, morphine, heroin, etc.

What to use if allergic to morphine?

im allergic to morphine and even tho i hydrocodone(vicodin) and the sorts metabolize into morphine in the liver i can still take it or oxycodone(percocet) also the medicine hydromophone ( dilaudid) is good for heavy pain and is what hospitals give to patients allergic to morphine.

Why would a gastroenterologist prescribe opium?

Of course, vicodin,Percocet,morphine, roxys and Oxys are all synthetic heroin in smaller doses but the same

What is the ratio of vicoden to morphine?

This question doesn't even make sense. Vicodin is its own drug. It has 5 mg of hydrocodone and 500 mg of acetaminophen. Morphine is its own drug as well. It is just morphine sulfate. You need to clear up your question. The two drugs are not in a combined drug together so there is no way to find some "ratio" between the two. If you're asking what the equivalency is between the two, such as "will 2 Morphine tablets work as well as 4 Vicodin tablets?", well the answer is: It depends on the person. Every individual is different. Vicodin is a Schedule III controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act and is regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Morphine is a Schedule II controlled substance under the same Act and is even more regulated by the DEA because it has a higher possibility of dependency (addiction) than Vicodin. Both drugs are only available by prescription in the United States.