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Virginia Company was established in a bid to create a permanent English colony in North America. The colony was successful it recruited investors to raise operational funds

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Q: Virginia was started by a joint stock company called the Virginia company who settled at Jamestown in 1607 what were initial settlers after what made this colony successful?
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When did Virginia Company settlers found Jamestown?

1607 april.

What are some settlers who founded Jamestown?

The Virginia Company founded Jamestown,Virginia in 1607. They called it that after England's King James I.

When did Virginia company settlers found Jamestown and name the river?

Jamestown and the James River were founded in April 1607 by English Settlers.

When did Virginia Company settlers found Jamestown and name the James River?

Jamestown and the James River were founded in April 1607 by English Settlers.

What settlement was founded in Virginia in the year 1607 by the English?

Jamestown was founded by Virgina Company with the approval of King James I

Riverbank site where Virginia company settlers planted the first permanent English colony?


Riverbank site where the Virginia Company settlers planted the first permanent colony?

Jamestown on the bank of the James River.

Who sponsored the Jamestown colony?

The Virginia Company of London financed the settlement at Jamestown.

What part of Virginia did the Virginia company found?

The Virginia Company founded Jamestown, Virginia.

What was the Jamestown legislative assembly called?

The Virginia Company.

What was the purpose of the Jamestown colony?

The original purpose of the Jamestown colony was to make money for the Virginia Company.

Which type of settlers first went to Jamestown?

The first settlers at Jamestown were English colonists sent by the Virginia Company of London. They arrived in 1607 and established the first permanent English settlement in North America.