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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

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Q: Virus is a bloodborne infection in which the virus damages or kills the cells of the immune system?
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What diseases damages the human immune system leaving it open to infection?

Autoimmune diseases

What virus is a blood borne infection in which the virus damages or kills the cells of the immune system?

Human Immunodeficiency virus

What immune system is activated if the innate immune system is unable to control the infection?

The adaptive immune system is activated if the innate immune system is unable to control the infection.

What bloodborne infection is commonly known as HIV?

Human Immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a lentivirus that causes progressive failure of the immune system and creates the opportunity for life-threatening infections and cancers to live and thrive in the body.

Which system in the body does HIV damage?

Acquired Immune System or Adaptive immune System

What drug damages and weaken the immune system?


What system protects the body against infection?

your immune system and your White blood cells produce antibodies

What system prevents infection by pathogens?

immune system

What term describes an infection that becomes life-threatening in a person with a depressed immune system but not in an individual with a normal immune system?

Opportunist infection

Is it fatal if your immune system is destroyed?

Oh yes. Your immune system is what fights infections and with out your immune system you will get all kinds of infection and it can be fatal.

Which disease damages the human immune system leaving the body open to certain infectious agents?

There are many diseases that destroy the immune system. The most widely-spread immune disease is the AIDS virus affecting huge populations in third world countries especially in the continent of Africa.

How can human body be protected from infection?

by the immune system