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Q: Viva questions regarding refractive index of prism?
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What is the minimum deviation of prism whose refractive index is three to the power half?

The minimum deviation of a prism can be calculated using the formula: δ = (n - 1)A, where δ is the minimum deviation, n is the refractive index of the prism, and A is the angle of the prism. If the refractive index of the prism is three to the power of half, or √3, and the value of A is known, the minimum deviation can be calculated using the formula.

Why does dispersion not occur in hollow prism?

bcz there is no difference in refractive index during proagation

Why does a prism cause white light to separate into the spectrum?

Because different colours have different have speeds in a prism , as refractive index depends on speed of the object therefore different colours have different refractive indexes

How does refractive index vary with wavelength?

Part 1 - WHY does refractive index vary?The refractive index of a material is determined by how quickly light travels through it. Different wavelengths travel at different speeds, hence the refractive index varies with wavelength. This is known as (chromatic) dispersion.In glass, red light travels faster than blue light, which is why a prism can be used to split white light into a rainbow.Part 2 - HOW does refractive index vary? (ie. Define the relationship).Sorry - I haven't a clue. I'm looking for the answer as well!

How do you correct refractive index to 20 c?

by using the prism spectrometer,we can easily find the refractive index of the material.

Related questions

What is the minimum deviation of prism whose refractive index is three to the power half?

The minimum deviation of a prism can be calculated using the formula: δ = (n - 1)A, where δ is the minimum deviation, n is the refractive index of the prism, and A is the angle of the prism. If the refractive index of the prism is three to the power of half, or √3, and the value of A is known, the minimum deviation can be calculated using the formula.

Why does dispersion not occur in hollow prism?

bcz there is no difference in refractive index during proagation

Why does a prism cause white light to separate into the spectrum?

Because different colours have different have speeds in a prism , as refractive index depends on speed of the object therefore different colours have different refractive indexes

What colour is refracted most when passing triangular prism?

violet is most refracted when passing through a triangular prism because refractive index of violet is more and dispersion is directly proportional to ref index

How does refractive index vary with wavelength?

Part 1 - WHY does refractive index vary?The refractive index of a material is determined by how quickly light travels through it. Different wavelengths travel at different speeds, hence the refractive index varies with wavelength. This is known as (chromatic) dispersion.In glass, red light travels faster than blue light, which is why a prism can be used to split white light into a rainbow.Part 2 - HOW does refractive index vary? (ie. Define the relationship).Sorry - I haven't a clue. I'm looking for the answer as well!

How do you correct refractive index to 20 c?

by using the prism spectrometer,we can easily find the refractive index of the material.

Which color of light is dispersed most by a prism?

The refractive index of violet light is most in a glass prism and is the least for the red light. So violet light is most refracted in the glass prism.

Why is white light dispersed by a glass prism?

When white light(composite light) consisting of various colors is passed through a prism, light of different colors will be deviated through different angles. Since the deviation is related to refractive index and refractive index to the color of light the deviation produced for different colors are different for same prism.That is the refractive indices are different for the various colors and this difference in the refractive indices is responsible for dispersion.

Why can't light bend?

In a medium of spatially varying refractive index, then light changes its direction, unless it is travelling exactly in the direction of the gradient of refractive index. For an extreme example, light is bent by a prism. Light is bent in the presence of a gravitational field - which pretty well means all the time.

How do you xxplain the cause of dispersion?

When composite white light with seven colours as constituents enter into triangular prism, then different colours get refracted at different angles because of the different refractive index value of glass for different colours. Refractive index is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in free space to that in the glass medium. As the speed of the different colour differ, the refractive index varies. Hence they have different angle of refraction. So all the colours have been split up. As we use a triangular prism, as the refracted colours fall on the other face of the prism, once again separation becomes possible. Hence the phenomenon of dispersion. But this will not be possible when we use a rectangular glass slab. So triangular prism is essential to have dispersion.

When white light is incident on a prism which one of the resulting color components will have the lowest index of refraction?

Blue bends best. The blue/violet end of the spectrum is bent the most, i.e. has the highest refractive index. Thus the lowest index is for red.

What color in the visable spectrum is bent the least?

Red bends the least. If you look at a prism with a beam of light shining through it, you will see violet is bent the most. This due to the refractive index of the glass changing the wavelength. Velocity & frequency are components of wavelength. So the refractive index is a ratio by which the speed of light is changed. I am not sure if frequency is changed.