

Vladimir Lenin mean

Updated: 8/21/2019
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What did the writer of sometimes history needs a push mean when he wrote that quote?

Vladimir Lenin wrote it, but I don't know what it means.

Who led the communist movement in Russia?

Vladimir Lenin led the Communist movement in Russia. There were other Marxist leaders such as Julius Martov, but they were not as radical as Lenin and did not start the October Revolution that put Lenin and his Bolsheviks (later renamed Communists) in power.

Who was the leader of the second Russian revolution?

Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks in engineering the October Revolution in Russia.Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the October Revolution, since he was the leader of the Bolshevik Party, which staged the coup to depose the Provisional Government of Russia.

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His tattoo is his vampiric name

Who was the predecessor of Lenin?

If "predecessor of Lenin," is intended to mean predecessor as head of the Russian government, the answer would be Alexander Kerensky. Kerensky was the second person to head the Russian Provisional Government after Tsar Nicholas II abdicated. Tsar Nicholas II was NOT Lenin's predecessor.

Who is the person rose to power in Russia in 1917?

Do you mean the Bolsheviks?...Then I guess the answer is V.I. Lenin

Who succeeded Lenin?

Lenin's SuccessorJoseph Stalin succeeded Lenin. However, immediately after Lenin died, a troika of Stalin, Grigori Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev succeeded him until Stalin took over complete control in 1929. Stalin was also very mean and killed a lot of people the people who disagreed with him.

What was the name of the Russian socialist revolutionaries under Vladimir Lenin in 1918?

The Russian socialist revolutionaries under Lenin were known as Bolsheviks until March 1918 when they adopted the name Communists at their Seventh Party Congress. Note: The 'Bolsheviks' as a faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party are not to be confused with another socialist party named 'Socialist Revolutionaries.' This question specifically uses the term "socialist revolutionaries," but it obviously does not mean the political party that was then known as the "Socialist Revolutionaries," because the "Socialist Revolutionaries" were abolished by the Communists.

Who helped Lenin to return to Russia in 1917?

If you mean during WW1, while the Provisional Government was in control of Russia, Lenin returned to Petrograd on the 16th April with the help of theGerman government (because the Germans figured that if the Bolsheviks were in power of Russia, they'd withdraw from the war and even if they failed to seize power, the turmoil in Russia could only help Germany's war aims).

How old is Vladimir Tod the book?

In the book Vladimir is well the first one 13 to 14 and in the next one he is 15 then 16 then 17 and in the last book he turns 18. but if you mean the book series the first book came out in 2008

What does the German word demagogue mean?

'Demagogue' is not a German word, it is an English word. It means 'one who is good at whipping up feelings or frenzy in a crowd'. Hitler and Lenin were demagogues.

Why was communism disliked?

The rich and powerful dislike Communism, as a classless society would mean the end of their privileges.