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Q: Volunteering has nothing to do with being a good citizen?
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Related questions

What are the 15 duties of good citizens?

Being a good citizen is the right thing to do. 15 duties of a good citizen include being neighborly, voting, volunteering, follow rules, respect others, respect property, be compassionate, protect the environment, be honest, be trustworthy, be responsible, works hard, willing to learn, well mannered, and loves their country.

What Good Citizenship Value of Order?

if your a good citizen the cops appreciate you being a good citizen

What does civics have to do with being a good citizen?

It is the study of what it means to be a citizen

What are some good trivia questions about volunteering?

Good trivia questions about volunteering would ask not only about volunteering in general but will include specific questions about the volunteer work being done. If you are working in a soup kitchen, it would ask about the soup kitchen, etc.

How much money would you get for turning in someone who does graffiti?

Unless there were a reward posted for the tagger - nothing - except the satisfactiron of being a good citizen.

Is it sufficient to say that a good citizen one who does nothing wrong?


What will be your contribution to be a good citizen?

Through volunteering in the community, citizens can contribute to the common good. Volunteerism, the practice of offering your time and services to others without payment, helps to improve society.

How may a citizen contribute to the good of society?

Volunteering your services to local charities or organizations.

What are the consequences of not being a good citizen of London?

the consequesces of not being a good citizen are as follws. they become gang infested and shoot manz up

How we can good citizen?

we can be good citizens by helping to clean up our community and also volunteering and not smoking and littering and by not kidnapping people or stealing things or blowing up things or people or killing people

How does being a good citizen as an individual help the people of the US as a whole?

You can help protect and keep the US a safe place for everyone. Being a good citizen makes you a good person and you can influence other people around you to be a good citizen also

What does Selena Gomez do for the Community?

She a good citizen because she does a favor for everyone