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How old is a slaughtered cow?

A cow can be any age when slaughtered, especially if you are referring to a female bovine that has given birth to a calf. She can be slaughtered at 3 years of age or as old as 20 years of age. If you are using the term "cow" in a very loose manner, typically a "cow" (being a feeder steer or heifer) is usually slaughtered at around 14 to 24 months of age. A calf raised for baby beef can be slaughtered between 5 and 8 months of age, and a calf used for veal can be slaughtered from 2 weeks to 3 months of age.

What is the age of a calf when it is butchered for veal?

Usually about 6 months, when they are between 500-700 pounds.

Is a lamb a baby cow?

Veal comes from young calves of age 6-12 month (beef)

What food is veal?

Veal is beef from a young calf that has yet to start eating plants; the meat is supposed to be tenderer than from an older cow. There are different classifications of veal, from bob veal (calf less than 10 days old) up to old veal (calf up to 4 months old).

Is it still veal at 32 weeks?

Yes, though most types of veal come from calves being slaughtered between 18-26 weeks old. There is an English veal called "Rose Veal" that comes from calves slaughtered at 35 weeks.

What is veal meat?

Veal Heel meat is from the rear leg and thigh area of the cow. Veal is from a young calf.

What is veal tail?

Veal is another word for meat that comes from a young cow. So a veal tail is a meat from the tail of a young cow.

What is the name of the meat of a cow?

Generally speaking, the meat from a bovine that is older than a year of age is referred to as beef.Meat from a bovine that is less than a year of age is called baby beef.Meat from a calf that is less than 3 months of age is called veal.

Is pork considered veal?

No, Pork is the meat of a pig, veal is the meat of a young cow or bull (beef)

How many day months or years does a calf live?

It depends on the type of calf. A dairy bull calf will live up to or around 4 to 6 months before being slaughtered for veal. A beef steer will live up to around 2 years of age before being slaughtered. A heifer calf kept as a replacement (who will become a cow) will live anywhere from 5 to 20 years of age, depending on her productivity. A bull calf kept as a herd bull can live to about the same age of the heifer calf kept to become a cow.

Can a cow with diarrhea be slaughtered for food?

Typically a cow with Johne's Disease (which is a disease where a cow has chronic diarrhea) is considered safe to be slaughtered for food.

What is Veal Heel meat?

Veal Heel meat is from the rear leg and thigh area of the cow. Veal is from a young calf.