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An employee's behavior refers to their actions, reactions, and conduct in the workplace. It encompasses how they interact with colleagues, react to challenges, follow company policies, and represent the organization's values. Good employee behavior is characterized by professionalism, teamwork, respect, and integrity.

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Q: WHAT IS Employee'S Behavior?
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Lack of motivation can contribute to an employees difficult behavior where an employee works hard to the best of their ability but none of this is recognized or appreciated.

The following is a problem within the management of an organization that can contribute to an employees difficult behavior?

Lack of motivation can contribute to an employees difficult behavior where an employee works hard to the best of their ability but none of this is recognized or appreciated.

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Lack of motivation can contribute to an employees difficult behavior where an employee works hard to the best of their ability but none of this is recognized or appreciated.

Who sets the tone for ethical behavior in an organization?

Customers, investors, employees, and the public set the tone for ethical behavior in an organization.