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Which libreoffice software is a processor?

LibreOffice Writer is the word-processor, and is one part of the free, full LibreOffice Suit.

How Microsoft Word interacts with Mozilla Firefox?

Its called LibreOffice Writer

What are word processing programs for Linux?

There are several, but by far the most common is LibreOffice Writer.

What 3 word-processing applications are available for Linux?

Scribus, Libreoffice Writer, Abiword etc.

Which libreoffice software is a presentatiion software?

LibreOffice Impress does presentations, and is one part of the free, full LibreOffice Suit.

How come when I open a certain pptx file it opens in libreoffice draw instead of libreoffice impress?

This is because the are supported only by libreoffice draw.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using calc?

As a long time user of LibreOffice (mainly writer and calc) I can see no disadvantages. It is a complete office suit, and is free - two very good advantages.

What are the consequences if there is no Microsoft Word?

The answer is LibreOffice

Which LibreOffice software is a word processor?


Which libreoffice software is a presentation software?


What is the difference between OpenOffice and LibreOffice?

There's very little difference. LibreOffice is an 'offshoot' from OpenOffice. Both programs have the same programs within the suite.

How do you get the symbol pi on open office?

Whichever OpenOffice (also the newer LibreOffice) is used (Writer, Calc, Draw, etc) the Pi symbol is found in Insert > special Character. Choose the Pi symbol and close. Π