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What is 'Parliament' when translated from English to French?

Parlement is a French equivalent of the English word "Parliament." The masculine singular proper noun references the legislative body whose actions are particularly famous in English- and French-speaking countries, such as France, India, and the United Kingdom. The pronunciation will be "parl-maw" in French.

What are the French origins of the English word 'Parliament'?

The french word is "parlement" which means speaking, so parliament is the place where we speak

What is the French for 'have to'?

The French "devoir" is equivalent to the English "must" or "have to."

What does to have mean in French?

The French equivalent of the English phrase, to have, is: avoir.

What is 'son' when translated from French to English?

It is a little confusing as to what you are asking.If you are asking for the French equivalent of the English word "son", it would "fils" (fee-s).If you are asking for the English equivalent of the French word "son", it would "his/her/its".

What is the English word for Cie in french?

It is the French abbreviation for Company. The English equivalent would be Co.

What is english equivalent of the french file?


What is 'to have' when translated from English to French?

Avoir is a literal French equivalent of the English phrase "to have." The pronunciation of the present infinitive will be "a-vwar" in French.

What does the french word heir means in English?

Heir is an English word - the French equivalent is - un héritier.

What is the French name 'Michelle' in English?

"Michael" is an English equivalent of the French name "Michelle."Specifically, the French word is a feminine proper noun. The pronunciation is "mee-shehl." The masculine equivalent is "Michel."

What is 'ils' when translated from French to English?

Ils in French is "they" in English.

What is the French 'mentir' in English?

"To lie" is an English equivalent of "mentir."Specifically, the French word is the infinitive form of the verb. The pronunciation is "mawn-teer." The French equivalent of the English noun "lie" is "mensonge," which is pronounced "mawhn-sohnzh."