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The Adarna Bird short story revolves around a magical bird with healing powers that can save a king from a deadly illness. The king's sons embark on a quest to capture the bird and bring it back to cure their father, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way. Ultimately, the youngest son succeeds in capturing the Adarna Bird and saving the king, proving his worthiness to be the next ruler.

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Sample of a very short story-plot summary?

A young girl discovers a mysterious portal in her backyard that leads to a magical kingdom. She embarks on a journey to rescue the kingdom from an evil sorcerer, learning about courage and friendship along the way. In the end, she unlocks her true potential and saves the kingdom from destruction.

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No. Plot is what happens in the story - summary is a short form of the plot giving only the basic information.

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The elements of a short story are the setting, plot, conflict, characters and theme. These are important parts to developing a short story.

Is the plot summary the conclusion?

No. The conclusion is the end of the story -- what happens after the climax. The plot summary is a short re-telling of the entire story.

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you tell what you are going to write about in short sentences.

Is the plot of the story based on the short story elements?

Yes, the plot of a story is typically based on short story elements such as exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. These elements help to structure the story and create a compelling narrative for the reader.

Resolution in a story?

the way the plot is ( Wrapped up) and everything explained away at the end of the short story.

What is the meaning of ending in elements of short story?

The end of a story contains the last plot element: the resolution.

Is a plot a summary?

sometimes yes sometimes no if the story is short it could be but most of the time a plot is a part of a summary