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What are the two religious groups in Ireland that are at war with each orther?

The Protestants and the Catholics have fought for many years in Ireland but it was for political reasons rather than religious ones. The Protestants wanted the head of the Church of England to rule which is the King or Queen of England. There isn't any fighting now.

Do catholics and protestants fight anywhere apart from ireland?

Yes. The 17th Century was dominated by religious wars between Protestants and Catholics, including conflicts in France, Spain, Portugal, England, The Holy Roman Empire, and most of Western Europe. Currently, though, the Irish conflict is the only international conflict between Catholics and Protestants.

Are Mancunians Catholics or Protestants?

Mancunians are people who live in Manchester, England. At this point (2013), I would believe that they are probably about evenly divided between atheists, Anglicans, Catholics, and "other".

What are the protestant elements of Church of England?

Tension between Catholics and Protestants increased. Humanism became more popular.

Why are Protestants called Protestants and if Catholics Protest can they be Protestants too?

Protestants are called protestants because they PROTESTED against the catholic church because Henry viii was catholic but he wanted a divorce but the catholics would not let him, so he started his own church( church of England) and they were called the protestants, also you can not be protestant and catholic.

What are the two main religious groups of Ireland?

Roman catholics and church of England protestants.

What was plantation policy?


What was the religious in Delaware?

The religion of delaware was mostly catholics although there were some protestants under the church of England

Are there more Catholics or more Protestants in England?

It has and most likely will always be protestants because the queen being a protestant herself runs the church of England which without a doubt is the most popular church in England.

Did Charles 1st like the protestants or Catholics?

Charles I of England definitely supported the established Church (the protestant Church of England) but because his wife was a Catholic, the nobility felt that he was too lenient towards the Catholics.

What were the two main religions in Elizabethan England?

The two main religions in Elizabethan England were Anglicanism (Church of England) and Roman Catholicism. Anglicanism was the official state religion, while Roman Catholics faced persecution and discrimination for practicing their faith.

Justify the cruel behavior between Catholics and other Christians?

I can't. Over the centuries, Christians of all persuasions have persecuted those they could dominate. So, the Catholics persecuted the Arians, the Cathars and, where possible, the Protestants. In turn, Protestants persecuted Catholics in those countries where Catholics were in a minority. Protestants even persecuted other Protestants, such as when the Church of England persecuted the Puritans. The only credible explanation is that Christianity contains an element of intolerance that is usually kept hidden.