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Why would someone be nervous to ride when they ride every week?

Did they take a fall or see someone else fall? That can really rattle a person. Is it the same horse? Riding a different horse can make you nervous.

How do you get people to read your message board?

You can't really get people to read your message board. Someone would have to have a reason to go to your message board. Just to find it, they would have to see your name and click on it, or hit "reply" on their own message board [provided you left them a message]. The message board is mostly for people to leave you a message. But you can use it to write yourself a reminder, or a note, or saying you'll be gone for a while, in case someone does visit, things like that.

How can a 12 year old boy make a girl fall for him?

You cannot make someone fall in love. It has to come naturally.Sometimes, however, sweet gestures and simply explaining your feelings can help the other person see why they would fall for you.But honestly, I dont see why a 12 year old would want that as young as that age.

How can you make your friends fall in love with your friends?

you can't make someone fall in love, they will fall in love when they see there is feelings for each other and deeper thoughts.

What kind of surface would you typically see a diving board a hanging over?

You would most likely see a diving board over a pool of water that is infested with sharks.

How old would you have to be to see Christmas fall on every weekday?


Will someone be able to see you on paltalk if you block them?

No, They would always see you as Offline on their pals list

Is it true that if you see someone that you can instanly fall in love?

Probably not. You can't truly love somebody if you just met them.

What is ataxia?

Ataxia means to be out of balance. You can see this in someone who has too much alcohol to drink. They stumble and can fall down.

What kind of surface would you see a diving board hanging over?


If you go blind and someone else gives their eyes for you would you be able to see?

If you go blind and someone else gives their eyes for you would you be able to see?

Do cats and dogs fall from skys?

cats & dogs DO fall from the sky!but only on rare see cats & dogs only fall from the sky when when it rains,snows,hails and someone barfs at the same time.