

Best Answer

The rght hat is an enemies hat makeing you look like one of them

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Q: WHAT is a right hat on lego's Indiana J ones?
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Related questions

What did Indiana always refuse to leave behind?

His hat.

What is the name for the type of hat worn by Indiana Jones and Freddy Kruger?

The hat they wear is called a fedora.

What did Indiana Jones always refuse to leave behind?

His hat.

When does Indiana Jones take off his hat?

no time at all

Is best-lock like LEGOs and can they work with LEGOs?

Yeah, best-lock is a knockoff of Lego and a pretty good one. They can work with Lego; for example you can put a best-lock sailor hat on a regular Lego guy. It works just as if it were Lego.

Where can you get a free hat?

its only ones you get a free hat like a pufful hat or a work hat so its roarer when penguin get a free hat

Why does Arnold wear a black hat in Indiana Jones movies?

I don't know. Maybe that was the only color hat that they had on set?

Who made Indiana Jones original hat in raiders of the lost ark?

The Herbert Johnson Hat Co. of Saville Row, London.

Can you buy a fedora hat like Indiana Jones wears in Australia?

I am a hat person so I am always looking for hats. Herrington catalog has an Indiana Jones hat ( there is even a picture of him next to it) that they sell for 49.95 USD. I imagine you can order it through their on line site. I love Akubra hats made in Australia ( I wear one everyday) and I know you can find that style hat from them right in Australia. I had to order my hat from Australia ( love it, love it). Some of the best hats are made in Australia so I would look there before I would look anywhere else.

What would indiana jones put in his closet at the end of the day?

whip hat

Name something indiana jones might put in his closet?

A fedora hat.

In Indiana Jones and the last crusade what is the brand and type of Sean Connery's hat?

It's called a "bucket hat", although it's of a much more classic construction than the ones most commonly seen on the heads of old-school hip hop artists. (It's less floppy.) It's likely to have been created for the character by the costume designer. She created dozens of variations on Indy's hat before she found just the right one, so Henry Jones Sr.'s hat is unlikely to have come off the shelf.