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Why was Jose Rizal called a doctor?

He was an ophthalmologist. He got his Licentiate in Medicine from the Universidad de Madrid in Spain.

Is the Father of Doctor Jose Rizal is a pure Chinese?

Doctor Jose Rizal is a pure Chinese, his mother is a pure Chinese and his father is also a pure Chinese, they got there surname from godmother and godfather. when trace by DNA will recover the original roots of his ancestor.

Did rizal and josephine got wed?

no they didn't

Why did Jose Rizal leave the Catholic religion to become a rationalist?

He did not leave the Catholic religion. He got excommunicated, but he still kept his faith. That still makes him a Catholic.

Where did Jose Rizal get his surname Rizal?

Jose Rizal and his family got the surname 'Rizal' from his Chinese ancestor Domingo Lameo. Rizal means "Ricial or grains", and they started using it 1731. His true surname is Mercado, but to keep his family safe he used the surname Rizal.

How old do you have to be to dive in Florida?

Well I am 14 and I got my license when I was 12. So you can be 12 and under and become a junior diver.

Why did Elizabeth Blackwell become a doctor?

Elizabeth Blackwell became a famous doctor because she wanted to treat people who got sick and also wanted to be the first woman doctor in the world!

Executive summary of rizal's my retreat?

got no answer here OMG

Where did Jose rizal got his name ''protacio''?

St. Protacio

Got married in a church in Missouri without a license the intent was there is this a real marriage?

Without a license, it is not recognized as a legal marriage. It may allow one to become eligible for a common law marriage.

Did Jose Rizal die?

he got shot at luneta park by a man

How do you get your license unsuspended?

can anybody help you me get my cdl license if i got suspended license