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Even before the decloration of Independence was written in 1776, some colonies had begun to write constitutions that would establish them as new and independent states

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Why did some colonies not want a written Constitution?

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It is true that the framers had quite a few conflicts and made some compromises while writing the Constitution. One of the major compromises resulted in the Bill of Rights.

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How many colonies are there during the signing of the US Constitution?

13 There were 13 colonies but, later on we added more states.

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America was like a Freedom Land. Some, like debtors were forced by the king of England to leave, and work in the 13 colonies.

What are the six reasons for writing the constitution?

Some reasons for writing the constitution were in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

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Some writers start writing after meeting other writers. Some writers start writing at a very early age and keep going. Some writers start writing when they get paid to write. Whenever you start writing - however you start writing - good for you!

Where did the founding father get there ethical idea for the constitution?

The constitution was created from May to September 1787 with a great deal of discussion and compromise. Some of the ideas came from the Enlightenment thinkers. The 55 men who wrote the constitution were the best educated in the colonies and most were lawyers.

Was the principles of the declaration of Independence used in the writing of the US constitution?

Some what they were both establish on freedom but one was a list of grievences and the other was the government