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Where could one find listings for all of the Salvation Army stores?

One can find listings of all Salvation Army stores on the Salvation Army's own website or on websites such as localstore and salvosstores. Profits from all Salvation Army shops go to charity.

What site do you go in for salvation army officers moves and appointments?

google:salvation army

What is the full name of the Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army's website refers to itself as "The Salvation Army" or the full name is "National Salvation Army."

Where can you get a salvation army voucher?

At. Salvation army

What is an interesting fact about the salvation army?

Go to the link below.

Is the CEO of the Salvation army a member of the salvation army?

Yes. The CEO is General Brian Peddle and he is part of The Salvation Army.

Does everyone who works for the salvation army volenteers?

The Salvation Army has paid employees just like all non-profits. But they do rely heavily on volunteers: Women's Auxiliary Groups, After School tuors, summer camp counselors, season workers and bellringers and much much more.

How does the movement operate in salvation army?

how does the movement operate in salvation army?

What is citadel in salvation army?

A Citadel is the Salvation Army's place of Worship

What age can you join the salvation army?

There is no restriction on joining the Salvation Army.

Which organisation has the motto Blood and Fire?

Salvation Army Salvation Army

What is The Salvation Army's legal name to put in a will?

The Governing Council of the Salvation Army"