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Q: Who divided the population of India based on professional atributes during mauryan period?
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What kind of government did the mauryan dynasty have?


What was the Mauryan empires religion?

Buddhism, Jainism

What was the name of the prince that founded Mauryan Empire in India?

Chandargupt maurya

What are the two main dynasties of classical India?

gupta empire and mauryan empire......

Important events during the mauryan empire of India?

Mauryan Empire; reign of Ashoka (269-232 B.C.); spread of Buddhism.Kautilya's Arthasastra was the most important source for the study of Mauryan Empire. Kautilya was generally considered to be the architect of the first Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta's rise to power. Arthasastra was divided into 15 sections and 180 sub-sections.From the records of the history of ancient India it was written that the Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya with the help of Kautilya by overthrowing the Nandas. Local powers had been disrupted by the westward withdrawal of Alexander the Great's and his Macedonian and Persian armies. By 316 B.C.E. the empire had fully occupied Northwestern India, defeating and conquering the satraps left by Alexander.The Mauryan Empire was arguably the largest empire to rule the Indian subcontinent. Its decline began fifty years after Ashoka's rule ended, and it dissolved in 185 B.C.E. with the rise of the Sunga Dynasty in Magadha. Under Chandragupta, the Mauryan Empire conquered the trans-Indus region, defeating its Macedonian rulers.Chandragupta Maurya's embrace of Jainism increased social and religious renewal and reform across his society. Ashoka's embrace of Buddhism was the foundation of social and political peace and non-violence across all of India. The era fostered the spread of Buddhist ideals into Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, West Asia, and Mediterranean Europe.Chandragupta's minister Kautilya Chanakya wrote the Arthashastra, considered one of the greatest treatises on economics, politics, foreign affairs, administration, military arts, war, and religion ever produced.

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Who divided the population of India based on professional attributes during the mauryan?


Who divided ghe population of the india based on professionals attributes during the mauryan period?

I cannot answer this question.

Which empire was larger the mauryan or gupta?

The Mauryan Empire is the largest

How many soldiers were in the Mauryan empire?

There were 1,000,000,000,000 weiners in the Mauryan Empire.

Was Pakistan under the Mauryan Empire?

Southwest Pakistan was under the Mauryan Empire.

Who found the mauryan empire in India?

Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan Empire.

Was Asoka the strongest of all Mauryan emperors?

Asoka was the strongest ruler of the Mauryan emporers.

Why such a high percentage of India's modern population Hindu?

Hinduism was a major religion during the Mauryan Empire and has continued to be a major religion in India since then.

What was the Mauryan currency?

The mauryan currency was pana,mainly made by copper,gold and other metals

Which Indian empire was larger mauryan or the guptan?

Gupta empire was larger than mauryan empire.

What represents a difference between mauryan empire and the Gupta empire?

Some differences include: the Mauryan empire... - strong, centralized government to control their empire and crush resistance to their ruling. - emperor owned all land - focused on the spread of Buddhism The Gupta empire... - not as centralized in government - divided the main lands into units as royal officials governed each one - made Hinduism India's main religion

Is Mauryan a component of Hinduism?

Mauryan was an empire in ancient India. They gave significant amount of contribution in Hinduism.