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Why do you need so many means of communication?

Because there are so many creativeways to get things wrong.

What do you mean by English as a means of communication?

Means of communication is actually a medium or a way by which a person can communicate. Now, "English is a means of communication" means that English is a medium through which one can communicate i.e., english is a language through which people talk or communicate. So, by means of communication we mean a language (or medium), or method or way of communication.

Why does London need good communication?

So they can communicate ... good.

Why do police officers need communication skills?

because they need to communicate

Why do people with disabilities need communication technologies?

People with disabilities need communication technologies so that they can keep up with the rest of civilization and so that they can perform simple actions effectively that individuals with out disabilities take for granted.

Who started using hieroglyphs and why?

the egyptians, as a means of written communication, so bacially an alphabet

What led to the need for communication over long distances?

So we can remember people

Ways appearance impacts communication?

There are so many ways that appearance impacts communication. It is commonly said that people will see you before they can hear you and so your appearance has a direct effect on communication.

Why was writing so important in ancient civilizations?

In this pre-electronic age, it was the means of communication and recording.

How does language contribute to the effective communication in the work place?

Almost all communication, in the workplace or any other place, takes place by means of language. There is only so much you can say by means of a facial expression.

What is an antonym for telegraph?

For clarification, antonym means opposite. So an opposite would be verbal communication or no communication at all. i.e. telephone, mute et cetera.

Is communication complex?

it's something I do not know and I need to find it somewhere so I can answer it in my axam.