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What happens when you put a band aid in water?

The band will sink.

How do you clean scratches?

What you do is put either soap and water or some kind of cleanser on the scratch. This works for anything. A burn, scratch, or anything else. Put a band aid on after and make sure not to play with the scratch because it wont heal for a while.

Do you let your burn get air or put a band-aid on it?

put bandaide on it.

What should you do if you get a cut?

1. Wash hands 2. Clean cut with peroxide or other cleaner 3. Get band aid 4. Put neosporian on band aid 5. Put band aid on cut 6. Drink a glass of milk

Should you put banbaid on your deep cutcan i use a band aid on my deep cut?

You can put a band aid on anything but you don't want to leave it on there for a long time so that way the air can hit and you can let it heal.

What happens if your cat has internal bleeding?

u call a vet

What is a way to heal a cut really fast?

Put Peroxide ona band-aid and or Neosporin and simply just put it on.

Why was band-aid invented?

Band-aids were invented because if one gets an open wound, a band-aid should be put on the wound (before putting alcohol ofcourse) to prevent bacteria or germs from entering. Hope that answered your question! :)

How do you hide a pierced ear?

Put a band-aid over it, and when asked say you burnt it with a straightener.

What should you do if your toe is bleeding?

Clean it, put a band-aid on it, wait for it to heal, and DON'T PICK!

What should you do if poked by a thorn?

Okay. rinse it off, put a band-aid on, and suck it up!

What makes the bleeding stop?

Put a band aid or any medic supply to it so it will stop bleeding