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What colony did Peter Minuit founded?

New York - one of the 13 original colonies

When was the first of the 13 colonies founded?

Delaware was the first colony to be founded. It was founded in 1638, but didn't officially become a state until December 7, 1787.

What is the history of Pennsylvania?

William Penn founded it during the time of the 13 colonies.

What was the last of the 13 colonies?

Delaware is the last of the thirteen colonies sorry i made a mistake its rhode island sorry i made a mistake its rhode island

One of the 13 original colonies?

Delaware first of the original 13 colonies

Which of the 13 colonies were founded for profit and trade?

Virginia, New York, Delaware, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, and New Hampshire were founded for profit and trade.

Did Delaware want to go to war to be free of Brittian?

Yes, Delaware was one of the 13 Colonies that rebelled against Great Britain during the American Revolution.

Was Massachusetts a middle colony?

No, Massachusetts was not considered a middle colony. It was one of the original 13 colonies founded by the Pilgrims in 1620 and was located in the New England region of the American colonies. The middle colonies refer to the colonies of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

The 13 colonies were founded and controlled by which European country until 1776?

The 13 colonies were founded and controlled by Great Britain until 1776.

What state came after the 13 colonies?

After the 13 original colonies, the Colony of Delaware became the 1st state, the State of Delaware. Delaware was the 1st state admitted to the Union and the 1st to ratify the Constitution of the United States. Vermont was the 14th state

Was Kentucky or Delaware or North Carolina not one of the original thirteen colonies?

Not One of the Original 13 ColoniesKentucky was not one of the original 13 colonies.

The last of the original 13 colonies founded in 1732?

the last of the original 13 colinies founded in 1732, was georgia.