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Delaware was the first colony to be founded. It was founded in 1638, but didn't officially become a state until December 7, 1787.

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Q: When was the first of the 13 colonies founded?
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What year were the 13 colonies founded?

The year of the 13 colonies' establishment can be traced to 1607. That was the year of the first permanent settlement in Jamestown, VA.

The 13 colonies were founded and controlled by which European country until 1776?

The 13 colonies were founded and controlled by Great Britain until 1776.

Why was Massuechuesetts founded?

In 1620 Plymouth colony was established and will be the first of many colonies to become one of 13.

The last of the original 13 colonies founded in 1732?

the last of the original 13 colinies founded in 1732, was georgia.

What year was founded Georgia in?


Did The original 13 colonies included Kentucky?

No. Aside from being too far inland, it was founded long after the first thirteen

Who founded some of the 13 colonies?

Jim bob and connor

What was the last of the original 13 colonies founded in 1732?


What year did the 13 colonies become colonys'?

The 13 colonies became states in 1776. Why: that is when the Revolutionary War took place. Also, on Novermber 30 Britain made a treaty to turn the thirteen colonies to turn the colonies into the United States.

Why were the 13 colonies founded where they were founded?

British promoters of mercantilism believed their New World colonies were subservient and had a duty to serve their mother country by selling their goods directly to Britain. That is why the 13 colonies were founded on the Atlantic coast. Further west of the colonies were French-occupied territories and Florida was under Spanish rule at the time.

What colony group was Maryland part of?

the first 13 American colonies, Maryland was founded in 1633 by lord Baltimore and others . at Baltimore

Where did European country that controlled the 13 colonies?

no, it was founded by settlers from James town and they claimed land 1 by 1. after they had 13 they made up the 13 colonies